
We treat all Skin related issues.


We treat all hair related issues.

Anti Aging

We offer Anti Aging Treatments.


We offer Laser treatments.
Hair Treatment
1 +
Satisfied Patients

Golden years we’ve passed!

We are Skin Specialist

Dr Harish Advanced Skin & Har Clinic

When it comes to seeking the expertise of a dermatologist and skin specialist in Hyderabad, Dr. Harish stands out as the epitome of excellence and compassionate care. With a stellar reputation and a wealth of experience, Dr. Harish has consistently proven to be the best in their field. Dr. Harish possesses an extensive knowledge of dermatology and stays up to date with the latest advancements in the field. Their expertise spans a wide range of skin conditions, including acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin allergies, and more. Looking for the Best Dermatologist Clinic in Hyderabad then Dr. Harish Clinic is the best for you.

Best Treatment
Experienced Doctors

Our Specialties

Skin Treatments

Dr Harish Advanced Skin & Hair Clinic stands as one of Hyderabad's premier Skin Care Clinics, providing advanced treatments with the utmost attention and care.

Hair Treatments

At Dr Harish Skin Clinic, we used advanced technology for treating a wide range of both minor and major hair treatment needs.

Laser Treatments

We provide laser treatments with advanced technology by highly experienced dermatologists.

Nail Treatment

At Dr Harish Skin Clinic in Hyderabad, we specialize in addressing nail conditions through the use of high-quality laser treatments.


We offer Facial aesthetic treatment.It is a non-surgical process that deals with skin lifting and skin smoothening.


We provides cosmetic dermatosurgery at Dr Harish skin clinic in Hyderabad.
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Meet Our Doctor

Dr. Harish

MBBS , MD DVL (osm)
Consultant dermatologist

Dr. Harish has more than 15 years experience in Dermatology and Cosmetology. He did his MBBS from the Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad. He completed MD DVL from Osmania Medical College in flying colours.

Started in 2008 with a clear purpose to bring affordable Skin Care to everyone, Dr. Harish Advanced Skin & Hair Clinic, Hyderabad is a clinical dermatology and skin procedures clinic and has further advanced to all clinical dermatology, trichology (diagnosis and treatment of hair and scalp conditions including hair fall and dandruff), nail disorders and all skin related cosmetic problems.

Dr. Harish is aesthetic dermatologist with specialisation in Scar treatment, Botox, Fillers, and all procedures to restore youthful appearance, and enhancing beauty. He worked gor reputed hospitals and cosmetic clinics like kaya skin clinic, where he honed his skills and excelled in his field. He started his practice when cosmetology had just begun getting popular in the country. Since, we understand the evolution for skin care from prescription to procedures we pride ourselves in providing best skin care services at affordable prices. Hence, we are responsibly driving the evolution of the field forward.


We recieve the best patient’s review.

Get in touch

Don’t hasitate to contact with us for inquries!

    For all skin, hair and nail issues, get in touch with us. We would be glad to assist you and guide you for better skin, hair and nail care.



    +91 9849167090




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